On the page Accoutrement’s will be found examples of some of the items that would be part of a Hunter’s kit such as a hunting bag, powder horn, etc.

The legends of Diana the Huntress and St. Hubertus, the Patron Saint of the Hunter are well known in Europe but less so in America. Click on Diana & St. Hubertus to see several articles about them. 

   Hunting Horn music is part of the hunting culture and rituals associated with the hunt in Europe which are not practised in America. To sample some Hunting Horn music and to read about the musicians click on Die Suhler Jagdhornblaser CD.

Click HERE to read about the history of German Marksmanship and to see examples of the many types of German Targets.

   During the early years of the 20th Century before World War I Post Cards with Hunting Scenes were very popular in both Germany and America and Post Cards with Hunting Scenes presents a sampling of these.

Royal Hunts and Hunters gives a view of what Hunting by the 19th and early 20th Century Privileged was like.

Click HERE to read an article by Fredrik Frnzen about Gustaf C:son Lowenhaupt of Sweden

Shooting, Hunting & Gun Ownership in Germany

The page Heimatkunde des Bezirkes Komotau is the story of Local History of the Komotau District published in 1928.

  If you can read German or if you enjoy viewing book illustrations from the beginning of the 20th Century, there is an interesting volume entitled Die Jagd by Fritz Skowronnek printed in 1901 in Leipzig availible on Google Books. Click Here to download this book to your computer and begin reading or viewing this interesting volume. It includes chapters about- Diana and St. Hubertus, the latest advances in hunting long guns, Kaiser Willhelm’s hunting exploits and other interesting subjects.